Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Snack Time

When we moved to Hurricane we went almost our first 3 weeks without internet. For the most part it wasn't bothersome at all but periodically I did have to run to my parents to have access to the internet. It was during one of these quick trips that my kids decided to share their popcorn snack with their GG.

One for you...

 and one for me.

Brayden did a good job at making sure GG got plenty of water.
Popcorn makes you thirsty!

Kylie tried too.

I love how Kylie's mouth is wide opening. Does it help GG open her mouth too?

 Kylie wasn't quite quick enough to pull her finger out. GG bit her finger just a little bit. Didn't leave a mark, no tears but Kylie kept saying, "owe, owe" and showing me her finger.

Despite the little nip they wanted to pop more when they ran out of popcorn. So glad my children had this opportunity to "help" GG.

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