Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day3- Ocean Side Pier

After the beach we all took showers and tried to get all that sand out of our hair. Mom and dad took a nap, the kids played and then we drove to the Oceanside Pier which was only about 5 miles away. 

It was neat to see how high up and how far out the pier went.

Somebody has found her pocket's.

There were several people fishing on the pier. We were lucky to walk by after a 7 year old little boy reeled this guy. 

 The kids were so excited to see this new fish. The kids went fishing quite often in Alton but have never seen a fish like this. This kind of a fish doesn't even begin to compare to a trout out of a pond.

After our visit to the pier we decided to treat the kids to some real fish n' chips. 
The Harbor Fish Cafe 

We ordered fish and shrimp. For some of the kids this was their 1st time eating sea food. I think the majority liked the shrimp the best.
The food was good, the experience was great and I loved the company. 

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