Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Christmas Orchestra

Hunter and Madelyn were able to participate in their school's Christmas Orchestra performance.
Hunter is really enjoying playing the cello. I never have to remind him to practice, I never have to drag him to his private lessons. He really has developed a love for this instrument. 

Madelyn and her viola. 
Madelyn's favorite song that they played was "Old McDonald". One of the instructor's read the story aloud and for each animal sound these kids made their noises with their instruments. I hated the rooster! It was a high pitch squeak. To me is was like dragging your nails down the chalk board. Madelyn thought it was funny and liked to practice that specific part over and over again at home. 

It's always fun to hear the progress that these kids make from concert to concert. They just keep getting better and better. They have some amazing teacher's. 

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