Monday, January 19, 2015

Oh Christmas Tree...

I love Christmas. I love the excitement and magic that comes out when setting up the Christmas tree and putting up the other decorations. I love the Christmas music in the back ground, the giggles and laughter when we are "decking our halls". Although it's fun sometimes it's stress full too. It seems like each year we have to re-arrange our front room to make room for everything. One day I will have a house that I won't have to move the couch or a side table or block off the sliding glass door for our Christmas tree! 

It is tradition that we set up our Christmas tree for the 1st family home evening in December. This year the kids really lucked out as it was also the 1st day of December. 

It took Kylie a few minutes to figure out what all the fuss and excitement was about. But she quickly joined in on the festivities.  

Our finished product. I love my new decorations. I love my red and white theme and my 
un-traditional tree topper. 

Madelyn wanted to decorate our front door. After spending hours on pinterest she decided on a snow man. She did it all by herself and enjoyed every minute of it. 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

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