Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sheri's Maternity Photos

My sister Sheri asked me to take some maternity shots of her and her family. It's a good thing we did it that particular Saturday because less than 2 weeks later Baby Jesse was born. 

I'm learning that with each picture I take I can learn something to do better next time. For instance on this one I think the sky is very distracting. It would have been better for the skyline to be above all their heads. Next time....

Pretty Momma...

I love the kids playing in the back ground.

Sheri is not having twins. 
But being she has a boy and a girl she was letting baby #3 be a surprise!
Jamie wanted a brother and of course Brionney was hoping for a baby sister.

For fun we wanted to try something different. Once again I learned from these and can't wait to try it again with someone else.               

Thank you Sheri for letting me take your pictures. There are so many to choose from it's going to be hard to pick the ones to print. We did good!

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