Friday, April 10, 2015


Our future shop is coming along quite nicely. Kory had the footings dug in just a day in a half. He then went back to Alton for the week. This past weekend he came back to us and he spent Saturday and most of Monday leveling the lot. He was hoping we could pour concrete that wed. The kids and I spent most our day Monday helping him. Tuesday I dropped all the kids off at school and began my 2nd day helping. 12+ hours later we had done the underground plumbing, put the re-bar in and made the base frame to keep the cement where we wanted it. It was a very long day. I slept good that night. 

Wednesday as planned our 1st of 4 trucks full of cement arrived.

A friend said it looked like a drunken sailor did the rebar. Being I did most of it by myself I told him I'd take that as a compliment.  

I'm really not sure how or why the re-bar isn't straight. Once Kory showed me what to do it was pretty simple. Just a little time consuming and not having done it before I was slow at it but.... I did it!  

Kory had 5 guys to help him. The 1st pour was by far the hardest as the truck couldn't reach that far. The guys had to shovel and rake the cement over to the footings and that back area. They got a good ab work out. 

When the 2nd truck had arrived I went out to help. Moving wet cement is not easy! I'd like to think I lost 10 pounds that day. Regardless it was a good work out and I was so sore by bed time. 

When both sides were poured they removed the center board which leaves a little bit of a hole that needs to be filled. In Heaton style Uncle Kirk put Hunter on the trowel to help with this part.  

Hunter's job was to fill the hole with more wet cement while he smoothed it out. 

Madelyn wanted a turn too. 

It's hard to believe this shop will be 1800 sq ft. That's about 10 ft. longer then the shop Kory's in right now. It's also bigger then our house in Prescott.  
Just looking at the slab and now being able to walk on it, it doesn't seem to be that big! Kory says the slab needs to cure for a few day's before we do anything else. Looking forward to the reprieve. It's been a long 3 day's!

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