Thursday, October 01, 2015

Grandpa's Work Party

A few weeks ago my dad's work threw a extended family work party at our Washington Rec Center. We got to so swimming, rock climbing and were fed dinner. 
Hunter was the first to climb to the top and ring the bell. 

Madelyn was the second!

Brayden was not the 3rd to reach the top and he almost didn't make it. But with Dad telling him what color to put his hand/foot on next he did it! He was the youngest by far that reached the top and rang the bell.  

He was fantastic! And oh so proud of himself when he came back down. 
He was awesome to watch!

After the rock climbing we played in the water.
When Daddy and Kylie got comfortable with the smaller slide they made their way 
to the biggest one.

She loved it!
They went over and over and over.

Brayden eventually went down by himself but he had Aunt Hanna, Daddy and Uncle Jonathan go with him at the beginning. 

Hunter's favorite way was to go head first.

Emily loved the slide too.

I missed taking pictures of Madelyn in the pool. She was too busy playing with her cousin Carlaya. 

Thanks Grandpa for a fun evening. 

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