Friday, May 13, 2016

Kony for Kids

We did it again. Well not everything we did last year but we did what we could. 
This year we weren't able to participate in the shopping on Thursday night due to someones Christmas band concert. Oh well..... Maybe next year.

Friday morning these two girls decided to skip a few hours of schoool. Hunter had a test at school he didn't want to have to make up so he chose not to come this year.  

The girls love it, I love it.  It's so fun to see how many people come together to help those that are less fortunate then ourselves. 

This year we decided to wrap for three different families. If it wasn't for a presentation Madelyn was scheduled to give later that day at school we probably would have stayed even longer. This year we didn't get there till almost 9 but we stayed until about 11:30.   

I love that these girls are learning to serve others and love it. 

Till next year....

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