Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Mom turns 36

Happy Birthday to ME...
Happy Birthday to ME...
Happy Birthday to Mommmm
Happy Birthday to ME!

I have the best kids! 
I woke up early Monday morning, about 5am to paper rustling in the other room. 
Knowing my girls Madelyn and Emily had "big" plans for my birthday I stayed in bed as to NOT ruin there surprise. All too soon the alarm clock went off and it was time to start my day. 
Went to the bathroom first and discovered a decorated mirror. 

Walking out to the front room I was greeted by another banner.

I had gifts sitting and homemade cards waiting for me. 

When I headed back to my room to get dressed for the day I discovered that even my bedroom door had been decorated. 

Love these kiddo's that call me mom!

Thank you for making me feel loved on my birthday!

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