Thursday, December 29, 2016

Christmas Eve Pizza

Christmas Eve Grandma and Grandpa Heaton came to our house. 
Grandma brought everything to make home made pizzas. 

Grandpa helped the kiddo's place the toppings on their pizzas. 

Hunter getting his dough ready. 

Oh my goodness they were yummy!
They loved that they got to make their very own personal pizza. 

While the older kids, Grandma and Mom were cleaning up Brayden read a story to Grandpa and Kylie. Brayden wanted to show off his "madd" reading skills!

After Brayden had his turn. Grandpa read a story to the both of them. 

 Next came the treat part. We made gingerbread nativities!

Lots of frosting, lots of candy! 

Uncle Kirk came with Grandma and Grandpa too!

Brayden put Samuel the Lamanite on his!

 Emily created a Nativity scene.  

Madelyn chose to make figurines representing those present during
the fist Navity.

Good Job Kiddo's!

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