Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Easter Eggs

This year we did something that I won't ever do again.... sniff, sniff. My bigger kids, aka Hunter and Madelyn, didn't show any desire to dye Easter eggs this year. So... I chose to do it on a Tuesday night while Daddy and the big kids were off to mutual. I missed them! It just wasn't the same. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed my time with the three younger kids, we laughed, we teased each other but it just wasn't the same! I missed this little family tradition on dying Easter eggs together. 

Brayden tried making a dinosaur egg. He recently read a book about dinosaurs and he wanted spotted eggs like he had read about. This little boy of mine loves to read books about real animals, insects, dinosaurs and the such. The deadlier or scarier or more poisonous the better.  

This little girl just loved her chance to paint! 

Emily shine tonight. Being the oldest child home she loved stepping up and helping her younger siblings.  

I sure love my kiddo's!

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