Friday, July 28, 2017

Alton Camping

I love camping. Always have. We camped some growing up but not as much as I would have liked. When people ask me to pick beach or mountains? I will pick mountains every single time! I just love being in them surrounded by nature. Life has been crazy with work, kids school stuff & camp; sports and of course Kory and I getting ready for our Scotland trip. Kind of last minute we decided to get out of town with some family friends. We only camped one night but it was the perfect little R&R that we all needed. 

We passed this guy on our way to where Kory wanted to camp at on his dad's ranch. 

Brayden brought the little BB gun and had fun shooting while the rest of us set up camp. 

Woo Hoo! He got one. 

Maddie relaxing in the setting sun.

Our friends, the Goodfellows, brought 2 ATV's and with our little one we had fun driving all over these dirt roads. 

 Setting up for dinner. 

Then we brought out the big guns! On Friday night we cracked glow sticks and poured there goodness all over the skeet and tried to go night shooting. We need more glow sticks we quickly learned. Next time! 

While some where shooting, the rest of us were taking quad rides in the opposite direction. 

Madelyn and Brayden.

Kylie, Mom and Brayden

 It was great weekend! So glad we can still be spontaneous sometimes. Seems like those are the best little R&R's lately. 

Till next summer!

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