Friday, June 30, 2017

Madelyn's 13

This little beauty celebrated her 13th Birthday!
Look at that hair!

Madelyn loves to read! She hasn't always had this love, in fact when she was in 3rd and 4th grade she HATED it. It was quite often a daily fight to get this girl to read. The school she was attending were quite the sticklers when it came to reading and I think they took the "fun" out of reading for her. We moved away that summer and about mid way through her 5th grade year we started to see her reading a little here and there all on her own. Since then she's become quite the "book nerd", she likes to call herself. 

Her asking for a book was kind of a big deal! 

This girl is so sweet with her younger siblings. They absolutely love her and she loves them.  

She is always quick to help them, comfort them or just play with them. 

She asked for Costco's Cheesecake, plain. So that's what she got!
Love this thoughtful, helpful, funny, kind, sweet girl of mine!

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