Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Kindergarten Field Trip

Today I participated in what will very likely be my very last Kindergarten Field Trip.
Why are my kids growing up so fast!

Our 1st stop for Miss Kylie and I was the fire station. 

Miss Kylie hasn't quite hit a growth spurt yet.
 She may be the smallest of her class but she's also the cutest!

Kylie is learning how to take selfies already.  

Our next stop was Lin's Grocery store.  

The free cookie in the bakery was everyone's favorite part! 

Then we walked over to Mc Donald's.
The kids were given a free snack bag. It had sliced apples and a cheese stick.  

 She just loved taking our picture together!
I had so much fun with my baby girl today. She loves telling me who her friends were and what they play at recess. Her friends wanted to be in our group cause Kylie is their "bestest" friend! I'm so glad I was able to spend my day with her. 

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