Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Totally Trick Taco's

Brayden loves to help Mom in the kitchen. He's quite the little helper. Earlier this week he came home from school with a new library book. He found a cook book and was so excited to find this recipe, Totally Trick Tacos. 

Now we have taco's quite often in our house but we usually use soft shells and not many of us care for tomatoes either. So when he first told me he wanted to make taco's I had him help me make them the usual way. 
He wasn't to thrilled with our "normal" way and really wanted to make these "Totally Trick Taco's". So I broke down, took him to the grocery store with me and let him help pick out our ingredients needed to follow this recipe. He was so ecstatic! I love how the "simple" things can make him and my other kids so happy. He absolutely loved following his recipe and loved that they turned out just like the picture in his library book!

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