Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Cedar City Temple

We've been pretty excited for the Cedar Temple to be built. Part of it is pure selfishness. I have been trying to take Hunter and Madelyn to the temple to do baptisms before school once a month. The baptistry opens each morning at 6 am. There have been many occasions that when we walk into the temple at 5:55 or 6:05 a.m  there is already a 45 min - 1 1/2 hour wait! It's crazy!!!! If it's more than a 30 min wait we end up leaving because the kids won't make it to school on time.  So the selfishness in us is hoping that once the temple is dedicated our temple will be less crowded! 

We chose to get our tickets to the open house in the middle of the week. It was still super crazy busy!

Afterwards we took the family to Brad's Food Hut for some dinner.  

Maddie wanted a selfie with all the girls! 

She tried to get the boys involved but being typical boys none of them wanted their picture taken!
What a fun evening for our family! 

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