Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Kylie is officially 6

Kylie is definetly the baby of our family!
Teasingly I told her I didn't want her to turn 6. I didn't want her to get any bigger! I wanted her to quit growing and stay my little girl forever and ever. Well she decided she wanted the same thing. 
She wanted to stay 5! 

She didn't want to hear it. 

It took a little coaxing but we finally got her to hold up 6 fingers. 

 She asked for her favorite breakfast, french toast! 

Blow that candle out! 

We are going to Lake Powell tommorow and she tells everyone who will listen that we are going for her birthday. She thinks that is her big gift! We usually go to Powell the weekend after Labor Day. Her birthday just happened to fall on the day before. So this awesom Mom let her believe that we were going to Powell for her birthday. She is so excited!

The big turtle is her Lake Powell gift. A new water toy.  

Kylie didn't want a baked cake. She wanted a cheese cake from Costco. This crazy house of ours has kept me busy this week so I was all for a Costco run. 

She refused to hold up 6 the normal way. 
Whatever... as long as it all adds up to 6 

This sweet girl of ours loves school. Her kindergarten year is quickly coming to an end and she is going to miss her teacher and her friends. She is a great student and is really picking up on the reading. Kylie loves art. She is always drawing, painting, making sculptures or writing a story to go with her art work. She loves to be outside riding her bike or just playing in the dirt. She loves barbies and babies and being with her family. We sure love you sweet girl!

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