Monday, September 17, 2018

September Lake Powell Trip

  Lake Powell
We have travelled so much this summer that some of us were ok at not making it to our annual September trip with friends this year.  However, the closer we got to the big weekend our minds had been changed and we decided to go. Kory has been crazy busy at work and didn't have a trailer for us to use. Not wanting to set up a tent just so the wind could blow it away nor stay in a hotel we decided to go just for the day on Friday. Kory had done several installs that week and at the last minute decided to stay home and get caught up on paperwork. So early Friday morning I loaded up my van and the kids and I headed to Lake Powell by ourselves. 

Kylie and Gracie let the big girls turn them into mermaids! 

The warmth of the sun and sand between our toes was what we all needed. It was so nice to get away from the house and all it's chaos for a fun day in the sun!

These 2 loved playing on the big floating mat. 

The big kids left for a boat ride. I stayed behind to keep an eye on my little ones. 

Gracie, Kylie and Savanna

Brayden had just fallen off our floating hippo!
This kid loves to swim with his life jacket on. 

After lunch we all got on the boat for a little boat ride.
Maddie and Secoya 

Secoya, Hunter and his friend Karson that we brought with us.  

Kate and Maddie 

It would have been nice to be able to stay longer and have Kory with us but we did have fun!
Till next summer!

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