Monday, October 15, 2018


Last week Hunter had an orthodontist appt. His teeth looked so good that Dr. Simister decided they could come off one month early. Woo Hoo! No complaints here. Taking braces off is a little bit more involved for our 5 min scheduled appt. 45 minutes later they still weren't done with his retainer they were making him. I had to go pick up the little ones from the bus and then I was going to swing by and pick up Hunter. Things must have gone pretty smoothly because Hunter texted me he was already home when I was on my way back with little ones. So I didn't get a picture of his new smile nor get I picture of him signing the "Hall of Fame". Can you find his name?

It took me a while but I finally found it.

This week Madelyn had her orthodontist appt. Her braces came off a month early too. Woo Hoo!

Great job guys. Your teeth look awesome!

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