Friday, September 28, 2018

She's 12!

This girl has been so excited for her birthday.
She is officially 12!
Oh wow!

She wanted waffles and ice cream for breakfast.

After school when Dad got home she was so ready to open those gifts.

Caught a weird smile on her face but she loves the music from The Greatest Showman. When I saw this shirt I thought of her and knew she'd love it.  

She wanted clothes, make-up and of course the ipod we get our kids when they turn 12. 
She was thrilled!

She's starting to make some goofy faces and poses now. Why oh why?

This girl is so obedient. She quickly jumps up and does whatever she is asked. She's a great student and works hard for those A's. She just started the flute this year and is loving it. As one of her birthday gifts we bought her 3 months of tennis lessons. She's excited to start those next week. She loves watching Chuck and Hawaii 5-O on Netflix. Her favorite book series is Gregor the Overlander. We are trying to get her to venture out and try a new series. She loves to paint rocks and doodle on paper. She loves hanging out with friends. We recently bought a trampoline and this girl is out there every single day on it. Even when she invites friends over they go out there and "talk" while sitting and jumping on it. We sure love our Emily. 

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