Saturday, November 24, 2018


Thanksgiving was spent this year in Alton. We left home that morning about 10am and arrived just before noon. The kids quickly went in search of their cousins. Lunch was at 1 at the town hall. We had so much food!

These teen boys stuck together like glue.
Kyle, Gideon (back of) Orrin Zeke (back of) and Hunter (back of)

Rachel and Emily 

Maddie and Kylie 

Hunter quite often says he doesn't like kids. However, at every single family gathering he can be seen with a much younger cousin following him around or on his shoulders.
 This is Kit (Klynt and Carries) 

Ruth and Maddie 

After lunch all the boys 10+ went up to the cemetary and went shooting. Grandpa had prizes for the best shop from the adult men and the younger boys. Hunter brought home a shotgun case! Way to go Hunter! The younger kids back to Aunt Harmony's where the kids played and watched a movie. 

The teen girls and their moms made a live wreath for Christmas. 
I think ours turned out so good!
I love the fresh smell. 

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