Friday, February 22, 2019

Spirit Week for the Littles

Last week was Spirit Week. 
One day was backwards day.
Kylie all on her own decided to wear her snowman shirt backwards and wanted me to put eyeballs in the back of her hair. She is so funny! It turned out cute. Brayden thought it was a lame day and chose not to participate. 

We had a crazy sock day but being it was cold everyone wore pants which covered their crazy socks. I forgot to take a picture. 

Crazy hair day is always a fun one. Brayden specifically asked if I could post pone his hair cut until afterwards. At the time he hadn't decided what he wanted to do but knew he wanted it a little longer. While I was helping Kylie get her hair done he came in like this. He has awesome sisters who helped him this morning. 

Kylie wanted "Cindy Lou" hair. 
We got it!

She looked so cute!

We also had pajama day and wear your school shirt day. I agree with Brayden, kind of lame. Especially when the kids are suppose to wear their school shirts every Friday anyways. 
I'm happy they both chose to participate a little this week and were happy with the outcome. 

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