Monday, September 23, 2019

Emily is 13

My kids just keep having birthday's!
This beautiful young lady is now 13. Oh how time is flying by. This cute girl love german egg balls for breakfast. So that's what she got with  fresh raspberries and cream to go on top. 

Her birthday fell on a Sunday this year. 

After church she was able to open her gifts. 

She asked for and received some new shirts and a sweater. She is so ready for Fall! She also got her very own curling iron, a super hero pajama, make up, scrunchies, candy and Halloween décor she gets to paint and modge podge. This girl loves doing crafts!

Emily is in 7th grade this year. She plays the flute, loves PE and loves being a PE Aid at school even more. She loves the Percy Jackson series and loves attending YW. She enjoys being outside, riding bikes, rip sticks or just going on walks. We love you sweet girl!

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