Monday, March 30, 2020

Coal Pit

Another Sunday hike. 
This time we went up to the coal pit. Brayden brought his bug kit hoping to catch a lizard. 

Kylie, Maddie and Emily standing in front of one of the big pits. 

So much small red rock all over the place. 
Hunter graciously let me take a picture with him.  

 We are enjoying our Sunday times together.
I love this family of mine. 

Another 4 weeks

I have to say I wasn't surprised but I was a bit disappointed. The governor of Utah announced that school has been cancelled until March 30th. Teachers have done their best trying to switch over to ALL online learning. It's going to take us and our teachers some time to figure this new way of life out. 

Kylie working in her writing book and Brayden on Mom's lap top doing math. 

We get to share Mom's lap top, the desk top computer and the Chromebook the school loaned us during this time. 

We try to get all our work done in the mornings so we can play in the afternoon. 

We clean, ride scooters, jump on the trampoline, take Emily's pet rabbit Nikko on a walk, water and weeding the garden, etc. We love being outside in the sunshine. 

President Trump was trying to lift our "highly suggested quarantine time".  He is concerned about our economy. But was pressured to have it remain in affect until the end of April. Apparently mid April we should "peak" and then we should see our numbers testing positive decline. I won't hold my breath. Flu season is from October to May, 8 whole months! Why would Covid (supposedly more contagious) only last 3-4? Doesn't make since to me. 

I too am worried about our economy. I am still working for H&R Block. Tax day has been moved to July 15th. It's crazy how many people have rescheduled for later this summer. The few clients that are coming in our scared. Restaurants, gyms, massage parlors, haircut places, clothing stores like Ross, sporting good stores, office depot and the like have all been closed. These people have either lost their jobs or have had their hours cut back drastically. Restaurants were closed for 2 weeks but now can offer drive through and delivery.  They've been out of work for almost 2 weeks already and now they have another 4 weeks. Times are hard! I'm thankful we own our own business in our own shop. Our employees have chosen to still work. Customers don't come to us on a daily basis. We aren't interacting with the public. This has definitely been in our favor. 

I understand that our nation is trying to lower the curve. We know most of us will be exposed to the virus. Many of us will become sick. We are trying to slow it down. So that the hospitals aren't being over run with the sick. Other countries have so many sick that they have had to create make shift hospitals in church's and other large buildings, in parking lots. They don't have enough doctors and nurses to go around. We are being told that other countries don't have enough supplies for everyone. They are having to choose who to save based on age and other medical problems these people might have. How awful! The CDC is telling us that this virus may run into summer. 

Again, I understand we are trying to save ourselves, the immune compromised and the elderly but at what cost?  This is similar to the flu, just more contagious. Scientists are trying to create a shot for everyone. But how long will it take? How long will people be without a job? And if it's similar to the flu does that mean you can get it again? So after our peak 'they" are expecting to be mid/end end of April,  will it come back a few months later to peak again? Maybe this fall/winter? How long do we stay quarantined inside? People still need to live to support themselves!

Banks are being asked to waive late fees and not foreclose on those that can't make their house payment. Those that have rentals are also being asked not to kick their tenants out in these hard times. Utility companies are also being asked not to shut off anyone's utilities for back payment. But we are all tied together! At some point these bills will still need to be paid and collected. 

Our government just this Friday passed a stimulus check to help the citizens during this trying time. Each adult is going to be given $1200 or $2400 for married couples. Each dependent will be given $500. This will help everyone a little bit especially for those not having any income right now. But that money won't last for long. What will happen next month? How long does it take to lower the curve? Oh how I hope this will be over the end of March. 

My little family is still doing pretty good. Both Kory and I are still working. I went to the grocery store this week, I hadn't been in 3 weeks. The shelves were looking a little better even though the toilet paper, paper towels, sanitizing wipes and such are pretty much always gone. But I was able to buy all the fresh produce I wanted. I was also able to buy more milk and eggs. Everything is limited to 2. You can only buy 2 loaves of bread, 2 cereals, 2 cans of vegetable, 2 packages of pasta, etc. Oh how I am thankful for my food storage!  

With all the scariness in the world right now. We have been blessed. We have more family time. Our kids are home instead of being out with friends. We have been asked to "social distance", no more hanging out with those that do not live in your own home. Our kids are home all day and I love it! Instead of being at school for 6 hours they get their work done in just a few short hours every day. We aren't "busy", we have no where to go but to be home. We play games, watch movies, do crafts. We are always learning something new about each other. I love my family time!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Three Falls Trail

On March 12, the church announced that all Sunday meetings are cancelled due to Covid-19. I'll be honest. I have mixed emotions, not going to lie but these past 2 Sunday's were so nice being home with my family. No presidency meetings for my 3 older kids and husband. No after church meetings. I haven't had to plan singing time for 2 Sunday's in a row. It's been so nice. On Saturday nights my anxiousness and lack of enthusiasm for Sundays have been gone. At the same time I'm working twice as hard during the week preparing our Come Follow Me lesson for our family Sunday time. I'm really enjoying and taking hold of this new found family time. I know it won't last forever. But I will enjoy it while we are being blessed with it. 

Today after our church time we decided to explore the Three Falls Trail. We've been cooped up in the house all week and it was time to get some sunshine and fresh air.  

It's only in the early spring that all 3 waterfalls are running. We picked a good time to explore this trail.  This is considered the 1st waterfall. Maddie and Kylie making funny faces.  

Brayden loved exploring the little nooks and crevices around us.  

We had many opportunities to hop back and forth over the running water.   

The 2nd water fall. 
Brayden loved wading through the nice cold water.  

Kylie and Mom 

Hunter tried taking a higher road that came to a dead end. 
Instead of going back he decided to climb his way down to us. 

Kylie and Maddie 

Time for a short break and snack time.  

The 3rd waterfall. 

We made it! 

There's Hunter 

Jump, Brayden, Jump

What a fun afternoon. 
We live in an absolutely beautiful place on earth. 
To think this is in our very own backyard. 
I am so glad I can enjoy it with my family. 

Chalk the Walk

During this weird time going on in our lives our county dubbed this past Sunday "Chalk the Walk". Those that wanted to participate took chalk and left inspiring messages on the sidewalk. Then later in the day we were encouraged to get outside and walk our neighborhoods, reading those messages. 

Our family did these. 
 Believe in Jesus.
Behind every storm is a rainbow. 

Find Joy in the Ordinary

I Believe in MIRACLES (tender mercies)
If we live in fear and panic we won't be able to conquer the corona virus. 

I think we did a great job!

Spring Break

Wow! What a week it's been. 
People are asking if we aren't part of a Jumanji game being played. 
Last week not only was everything cancelled (school, church, march madness, etc) but we also had a Friday the 13th, full moon, day light savings and informed we are officially in a Corona Virus Pandemic. If that wasn't enough Salt Lake City had a 5.7 earthquake this morning, all Libraries are now closed in Utah and of course the grocery store shelves are still empty. Meaning no toilet paper, no sanitizing products, no milk, no eggs and no bread.

This meme has been floating around social media this week. I thought it was funny.

On to better news we had an awesome time in Brian Head this year. We decided to rent a little bit of a bigger place to allow Hunter, Maddie and Emily to bring a friend. We had plenty of snow and lots of sunshine. Lucky for us Brian Head wasn't forced to close their doors until the morning we were leaving due to Covid-19. Thank you Heavenly Father!

Kory dressed to keep warm.

Alyssa and Maddie




This was Brayden's first year that he had his own pass. 
He did so good and loved every minute of it. 

Eating lunch before everyone goes back out. 
Emily, her friend Brooklyn and Karson.

It was just Kylie and I during the day while everyone else was out on the slopes. 
She played with her new toys. 

We went on several walks and played in the snow. 

We built snow man's.

We went sledding and swimming.
It was fun to have some one on one time with her. 

When the slopes closed at 4pm each day we went sledding again with the older girls.  
Brooklyn and Kylie

Brooklyn and Emily

Mom and Kylie
Glad I got at least one picture of myself!

When we weren't outside. We had lots of giggling and laughter going on. 
Maddie and Alyssa. 

And of course swimming!

Somehow Hunter escaped most of my pictures this trip.
 But he was there and we all had another great time. 


 We love our tradition of going to Brian Head for Spring Break. This year was even better. We bought enough tickets earlier in the year for everyone to go 2 full days. Having friends with us turned out pretty awesome to. I sure love the memories we are making as a family. My kids are growing up way too fast!