Monday, March 23, 2020

Three Falls Trail

On March 12, the church announced that all Sunday meetings are cancelled due to Covid-19. I'll be honest. I have mixed emotions, not going to lie but these past 2 Sunday's were so nice being home with my family. No presidency meetings for my 3 older kids and husband. No after church meetings. I haven't had to plan singing time for 2 Sunday's in a row. It's been so nice. On Saturday nights my anxiousness and lack of enthusiasm for Sundays have been gone. At the same time I'm working twice as hard during the week preparing our Come Follow Me lesson for our family Sunday time. I'm really enjoying and taking hold of this new found family time. I know it won't last forever. But I will enjoy it while we are being blessed with it. 

Today after our church time we decided to explore the Three Falls Trail. We've been cooped up in the house all week and it was time to get some sunshine and fresh air.  

It's only in the early spring that all 3 waterfalls are running. We picked a good time to explore this trail.  This is considered the 1st waterfall. Maddie and Kylie making funny faces.  

Brayden loved exploring the little nooks and crevices around us.  

We had many opportunities to hop back and forth over the running water.   

The 2nd water fall. 
Brayden loved wading through the nice cold water.  

Kylie and Mom 

Hunter tried taking a higher road that came to a dead end. 
Instead of going back he decided to climb his way down to us. 

Kylie and Maddie 

Time for a short break and snack time.  

The 3rd waterfall. 

We made it! 

There's Hunter 

Jump, Brayden, Jump

What a fun afternoon. 
We live in an absolutely beautiful place on earth. 
To think this is in our very own backyard. 
I am so glad I can enjoy it with my family. 

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