Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Brayden turns 11

My little man turns 11. His favorite breakfast is pancakes. He was thrilled to have a plate with 11 of them ready for him to eat. 

Last one..... I wasn't sure if he would be able to eat all 11. I usually make them dollar size but he asked that they be a little bigger this year. 

Brayden loves to fish! Grandpa Christensen was able to take him out on the boat last week. He loved every second of it. He was the 1st to catch a fish and he caught more than everyone else. 
He was happy! Brayden likes being in the kitchen. So his sisters gave him some pre packaged desserts that he can do all by himself. We've been watching the Jurassic Park movies, he loves them! So we gave him Jurassic Park lego's. This kids still loves lego's and is always creating something.  

Brayden wanted an ice cream cake also. 
So yummy! 

Happy Birthday my handsome man. 
Here's to being 11. 

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