Sunday, September 27, 2020

Junior Powder Puff

The Friday night before our Football homecoming game the Junior and Senior girls dress up in the boys old uniforms and play a little game. They call it Powder Puff. 

Maddie decided she wanted to give it a try. 

They didn't have a limit of how many girls could participate which was kind of nice everyone got participate that wanted to. On the flip side there about 45 girls who played. They kept a few of the soccer players in constantly but rotated the other 40 girls so they each got to be in for a few seconds at least. 

Man she has long hair. 
Here's her one and only 15 seconds of playing time. 

Although she didn't have a lot of time on the field it was fun to watch her with her friends during the game. 

 Juniors lost by one touch down. It was a fun night sitting in the bleachers watching these fun girls. 

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