Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Christmas Day

All she wanted was a swinging chair! She is one happy young lady. 

All he wanted was a new riding helmet. Glad his noggin will be protected. 

This little boy of mine wanted legos and dinosaurs. He will be turning 12 next year. I'm so glad he still likes to "play".  

Love his smile. I won't lie. It's been hard knowing this is my last Christmas with him home. He will probably be gone the next 2 Christmas's. Maddie may be gone the next Christmas and by then we may have a new addition to the family at that point (meaning a daughter in law).

She was thrilled with the gum ball machine Brayden gave her. 

This sweet thing is 8 and loves Barbies!

Hunter wanted biking/snow boarding gear this year. A new pillow, some favorite treats, Tenzi and other little things. 

Everyone got new pillows this year. This girls wanted a cricut. She's got great crafting plans. She also wanted new shoes, a few book and clothes. 

                      Barbies, a new doll, new clothes, legos and magnet board.                     

Legos, games, a new pillow and books. Oh how this kid loves to read. 

                              This girl loves games too! Lotions, hair dye, fun markers and some crazy socks. 

                 I love Christmas Day sitting around watching everyone enjoying their new toys. 

Mom was spoiled this year. 
Emily made me some custom spoons. The other kids gave me some wall hangings now that I can finally start to decorate our home. Love them. 


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