Monday, May 10, 2021

Brayden turns 12

This young man recently turned 12.
For breakfast he got his favorite, crepes.  

Had to celebrate a bit early before everyone left for the day. 
What a spoiled young man with all those gifts. 

For dinner he got a homemade ice cream roll cake. 
His favorite!

On Saturday we invited some of his friends to play. It's been so nice and warm and we decided to do water games. 

Balloon toss is always a favorite. 

Then of course we had to have a water fight. 

After the water fight they all jumped into the pool. I love how big our pool is and how many kids we can get into it. It has been so fun to have. 

Present time. 

Happy Birthday sweet boy!


Monday, April 26, 2021

Senior Pictures

This young man is about to graduate High School in just a few short weeks. He is my dirt bike loving, snowboarding, camping, entrepreneur son. During the spring, summer and fall he takes his dirt bike out most weekends. If he's home then he's off camping with friends. During the winter he's often is Brian Head snowboarding. He loves being outdoors! He has had a very "light" school schedule this year. He often only has 1-2 classes each day. He's loving life racking in the dough selling motor bikes. He has taken over my facebook marketplace account and is always on the search for a new bike. Over the past 6 months he has bought and sold over 20 bikes. He buys them, gives them some small mechanical upkeep, shines them up and puts new stickers on them. He may spend $20-$200 on each bike but then lists them for over $500 more than what he bought AND has into them. He keeps the bikes for as little as 48 hours so he has a chance to ride it a few times but usually is gone in just 2-3 days. He made $800 recently on a bike he bought and sold in 48 hours. He's got quite the eye to find these dirtbikes.  

 Looking forward to see where life takes this young man of mine. 

Monday, April 19, 2021


I finally relented and told Emily she could have bunnies. We borrowed a doe from Uncle Klynt the kids named Zoe. We let Zoe and Emily's male rabbit Nikko spend a few days together in the same cage. 30 days later we got whopping 11 bunnies.  

The past 2 months haven't been easy. When the bunnies were 2 days old our neighbors gor irrigation for the first time of the year. Our backyard flooded including the cage where the bunnies were. The birthing box was full of water. The babies were wet and cold.

We ended up loosing 2 bunnies. 
The next week some of the bunnies were pooping green and became quite lethargic. We had to seperate all the bunnies from each other and we kept them in the garage since we got a bit of a cold spell. 

Unfortunately, we lost a few more bunnies. 
But we've got 5 happy little ones. 

I have to admit they are pretty cute and snuggly.

It's just crazy how big they can get after just a few short weeks. 

This is the bunny Emily is going to keep. She has named her Spots! We are going to give Zoe back to Uncle Klynt and next year let Spots give us another batch of bunnies. 

Prom for 2

Hunter and Maddie both had Prom this past weekend. 
Hunter asked Alyssa Thomas this year.  

It was so fun!
I got to go with him and hide behind the car while playing the Barbie Girl song on my phone. 

He had a fun little group. 

Maddie ended up asking Caleb Shumway. 

I am so thankful for the wonderful friends my kiddo's have. 

Weekend Get Away

Tax Season is officially over for me. Thursday was my last day.  
Kory and I went to Kanab Friday night with friends, Cody and Shelly Goodfellow and Jeremy and Liz Lucas. We had tickets to see JP Sears who is a comedian. All I can say is he didn't know the crowd. He was funny but the language was pretty bad. Wasn't very impressed. 

Saturday morning after breakfast we went is search of some ruins. We saw some beautiful landscape with some awesome friends. 

The "boys" climbed a tree and hopped onto a ledge. 
Kory, Cody, Jeremy

It was pretty amazing to see. 

So fun!

Thankful for a quick get away!

Friday, April 09, 2021

He's 18

This young man is killing me!
He's now 18, he's graduating from highschool, he's getting ready for his mission. He's got so many  huge stepping stones and becoming more and more independent. I'm not sure I'm liking this new phase of our life..... 

But regardless of how I feel it's happening! 
He's now officially 18. 
For dinner he asked for his favorite, green chilli burrows. 
Instead of a cake he just wanted a pan of brownies. 

The favorite gift was Kylie's. It's a pillowase that say's I Love My Missionary!

Happy Birthday son!