Monday, April 19, 2021


I finally relented and told Emily she could have bunnies. We borrowed a doe from Uncle Klynt the kids named Zoe. We let Zoe and Emily's male rabbit Nikko spend a few days together in the same cage. 30 days later we got whopping 11 bunnies.  

The past 2 months haven't been easy. When the bunnies were 2 days old our neighbors gor irrigation for the first time of the year. Our backyard flooded including the cage where the bunnies were. The birthing box was full of water. The babies were wet and cold.

We ended up loosing 2 bunnies. 
The next week some of the bunnies were pooping green and became quite lethargic. We had to seperate all the bunnies from each other and we kept them in the garage since we got a bit of a cold spell. 

Unfortunately, we lost a few more bunnies. 
But we've got 5 happy little ones. 

I have to admit they are pretty cute and snuggly.

It's just crazy how big they can get after just a few short weeks. 

This is the bunny Emily is going to keep. She has named her Spots! We are going to give Zoe back to Uncle Klynt and next year let Spots give us another batch of bunnies.