I love the monsoon season. I enjoy playing in the rain with my children. Yesterday I looked out the window and discovered that it was raining. I called the kids and told them it was time to go play in the rain. I opened the front door and remembered that all we have is dirt. We don't have a driveway or any cement we can play in the rain on. So what is usually a bunch of wet clothes that will dry, became a big muddy mess.
Maddie didn't want to get her hair wet. (What a girl !)
Even little Emily enjoyed the rain. This is my sister Hanna who is staying with me for a few weeks. She wasn't to sure about playing in the rain but we were able to talk her into joing us.
I do believe that Hunter had the most fun.
you are such a better MOM than me! LOL i am learning to loosen up a lil' bit. I loved to get messy as a kid, I just have a hard time letting my kids for some reason. LOL