Sunday, October 21, 2007

Party n' Games

Kory was a good sport and wore his green M&M costume. We had a skeleton relay race with 3 different groups of children
We had a eyeball relace followed by the most anticipated activity of the evening. The Pinata.
The pinata didn't take a very good beating. After about the 5th child it broke in half and candy and goodies flew everywhere.
The best costume award goes to Lisa and Scott Eustice. Lisa came in her pink sweats, curlers in her hair and carrying a boquet of flowers, balloons and a check from the Publishers Clearing House for $1,000,000.00 Her husband Scott was the awardee who presented her with the check. Congrats to the Eustice Family.

We had great attendance. There was a total of 9 families that came. Giving us 18 adults, 26 children and 5 babies. A grand total of 49 people. I was a little worried knowing how many people had RSVP'd and our little house but we did great. Nothing was spilled, broken or damaged in anyway. Our house withstood it all and in the end it only took us about 2 hours to put everything back together this morning. Thankyou all you came and particiapted and for those who helped contribute to the goodies. We had plenty of cupcakes, cookies, chips and dip, pizza, rootbeer and of course candy to go around.


  1. Ahh my DEAR Friend Tina!!! Thank you SO much for the fun and wonderful party!! We had such a good time!! Connor is still talking about it this morning! You are a Trooper (or a wacko) for having us all in your beautiful home! :)
    We just love your family!!!

  2. Uh I wish I was there, it looks like you had a great party! Maddie was the best looking witch! I miss you all!

  3. wow, what fun!! After I saw your blog announcing the party, I thought about doing another of our own. But we still know NO ONE in our new ward. I wouldn't even know who to invite (who has kids our kids ages?) And our old friends from across town never had a weekend where all were available. So it didn't happen. Jealous of your fun night though. Can't believe you had 49 people there!!! Craziness, but I bet it was a lot of fun!!
