Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Christmas Tree

We've been telling the kids since we got home from Thanksgiving that we would set the Christmas Tree up last night for Family Home Evening. Daddy ended up working very late but the kids insisted on putting it up without him.I think they had more fun putting the tree together then putting all the decorations on it.
Emily loved playing with all the balls.

The end product turned out pretty well. Since we've been married I have collected 1 ornament to represent each year. The kids had so much fun asking about each ornament. For each of their 1st Christmas's I made a hand/foot print in plaster that we hung up. It was so fun to see them compare their hands now to 3/4 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. slackers!! We had ours up before Thanksgiving. (which is too soon I've realized) because since it's been up Carlaya thinks Christmas is like any day now....
    Your tree looks good
