Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Future Shed

Our home office has also been being used as a shed (being we don't have a garage). It currently has an exterior door, air compressor with hoses, tool box, nail gun and many other tools I won't list scattered throughout the room. Our office used to host a wheel barral, 2 shovel's, a rake and a pick axe. Deciding these weren't the most safest to keep inside a house we have hid them outside. We just didn't want sombody to walk off with these items. We've wanted to build a shed since we moved in a year ago and now have the resources to begin. The past 3 weeks we've been working on the initial prep. Hunter had so much fun helping his daddy get ready for concrete.
The cement was finally delivered this past friday.
Monday night Kory started to work on framing the walls.
Having only a few hours the past 2 nights I think we've done pretty well. We've got the 3 walls framed and are curently working on the 4th. This last wall will take a little longer as we need to frame in a regular outside door and a roll up door.
It's coming along rather nicely. We have gone to Home Depot and Lowe's several time looking at their sheds. We decided to make our shed 12x16. I knew it was going to be large but now seeing the walls go up it's bigger then I anticipated. We will have plenty of room for all the tools, bikes, outside equipment, and our holiday decorations. Can't wait for the finished product. It will be nice to have more shelving in my closet with all the seasonal items outside.

1 comment:

  1. cool! Kory is so flippin' handy! I always tease Jonathan about why I didn't marry a haddy man like Kory! He he he.... JOnathan has the normal man skills- LOL, but he doesn't have enough to do all the projects you guys start. I LOVE projects and could do one right after the other. But I have to do them on my own and so I can only do Girl projects!! jonathan hates projects!
