Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Weekend

It all started last friday evening when my brother Travis arrived from Hurricane, Ut. Saturday morning he and Kory went to the shop and worked on a birthday present for his wife who is turning "21" this friday.

Saturday at noon my sister Sheri and her husband Jason arrived along with my brother Matt who came for the weekend too. We rented Super Mario Galaxy for the weekend. This is what Uncle Jason and Hunter did almost the entire time they were here. They were both so pleased to find that Sunday evening they had beat the entire game.
Uncle Jason giving his thumbs and wrists a rest from the WII helped Maddie build a castle for her polly pocketts
Maddie and Emily loved being spun across our wood floor by their Aunt Sheri and Uncle Jason.
Emily is continuing to do an awsome job on the toilet. During the day we remain accident free and she is starting to wake up with a dry diaper. YEAH!!!!
Despite the almost constant rain we received while our house was full of guests my brothers helped Kory with the shed. They didn't seem to have a problem helping place the trusses, and sheeting the roof. Yesterday Kory started placing the paper so we can soon start to shingle the roof. Kory may be on his own for this part. I didn't realize I had such a fear of heights. I like my feet planted firmly on the ground.

Very rarely do we have family come to us. So this was great that I had so many siblings come for a visit. We hope for more visits in the near future.


  1. I know I know....I am so sorry we have never made it. We either don't have time or don't have the gas money when we think of it. The rest of the time we just don't plan it. We are always in Hurricane, so when we have a free weekend and aren't going there, we try to see my parents but we only got to them like 3 times last year. They are only 2 1/2 hours away, so don't feel bad. I went 8 months without going home. Geesh!! We will definetly have a trip to AZ this summer. Hopefully Carlaya can come in July to stay with maddie!

  2. Way to go Emily! I hope Bronson is easier to potty train then Jolie was.
