Friday, October 03, 2008

Preschool- Thursday

To continue with our "bug" theme of the week I focused a little more on the change of a catipillar. We started off painting our catipillars green. Some have asked, "what does Hunter do when it's your turn to teach?" Well he goes along with everyone else. It just adds one more student to the day.
For snack we ate cocoons (cresent rolls). Everybody got to make their own.
While waiting for the cocoons to bake and the paint to dry, we made a counting catipillar.
And in the end a beautiful butterfly to take home.
Maddie says that today was her favorite day. I'm so glad she has fun in our little preschool.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun preschool, it might even be funner than Carlaya's- that I PAY FOR!!! ;)
    Looks like Emily is in on the fun too! Does Hunter have afternoon kindergarten then?
