Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Oranges
Earlier this week when my camera decided not to work we made several goodie bags and took them to friends and primary teachers. Since then I've been debating if we should do something for our neighbors. Several weeks ago we had the sister missionaries over for dinner. We accepted their challenge to get to know our neighbors and eventually talk to them about the gospel. Since then we've done NOTHING! Then the other night I was flipping through the Ensign for January 2009. After reading the very 1st article, I decided we should do something for our neighbors this Christmas season but what? So last night it hit me. The Orange Story about the little boy in the orphanage. He looks forward all year long for his orange on Christmas Day. On accident he trapes mud into the home and is punished by the loss of his orange. He has a horrible Christmas Day. That night after his prayers he climbs into bed and he feels somebody giving him something in the dark. When he opens his hand he discovers a different looking orange. Each of the other 10 orphanges took 1 piece of their orange and created an whole orange for him. I've always loved this story. I figured this story would be perfect to give to our neighbors. So this morning on Christmas Eve I took my children to battle the crowds at the grocery store and bought oranges.
I printed the Orange Story onto paper and Emily helped me tie them up
That's a really great idea. They look so cute and I'm sure your neighbors loved them!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea!!! I'll totally going to do that next year.
ReplyDeletethats a cute idea. I made lots of treats for our friends in the ward, but didn't really even think of our neighbors! SAD! I know....
ReplyDeleteWe don't even seen any of them. I have only waved at 3 of them since we moved in. People come and go through their garages and no one is every outside (outfront anyway) we totally should have done something.....
Merry Christmas! Late! I need you address so I can mail your card to you. Late! Standard Hendrickson time...