Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentines Pre-School

Last week I taught pre school again. We didn't end up having school that tuesday becuase it turned into a snow day. So thursday the kids did some projects I had planned for that tuesday and their valentine party. Everyone was given a bag to decorate with stickers and crayons. They used this bag to put all their Valentine goods into.
This week we were talking about shapes. So using different shapes they were able to make their own picture.

We also talked about patterns. Using conversation hearts and frosting the kids made patterns. This was Maddies favorite part. I'm so glad she's having fun in preschool this year and she loves it when we have it at our house.

1 comment:

  1. geez you guys do advanced stuff for preschool. I wouldn't have thought of "patterns" yet. That is awesome they get the concept. What a cure idea to do it with icing and hearts! Fun fun....
