Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hunter's officially "6"

Hunter was so excited to turn "6". He woke up to his favorite breakfast. Pancakes!! Being he had a birthday cake at his Wii party and none of us care for cake we put his candles in his breakfast.
After an early breakfast and before dad went to work Hunter was able to open his birthday gifts.

He was such a good sport allowing his sisters to help him.

He's been wanting a Wii shirt for quite some time now. A few days before his birthday I found this Super Mario Galaxy t-shirt at Wal Mart on clearance for $3.00. I couldn't resist.

All year long Hunter has been contemplating what treat to take to school on his birthday. We finally decided on homemade carmel popcorn balls. He was so excited when he came home from school telling me what a hit they were. They had watched a movie that day and ate his popcorn balls at the same time. He thought that was the coolest thing. Happy Birthday my big man!

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