Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hunter's Graduation

I've downloaded these pictures twice now and did it backwards. So this time we'll tell the story backwards. After the kindergarten ceremony everyone was invited to the cafeteria for cake and punch in celebration. Hunter recieving his graduation certificate.
Hunter's class singing and dancing for the parents. Hunter really got into the dance part. Hunter is on the front row 2nd from the right. You can see his full body!

Hunter wainting patiently for the ceremony to begin.

He is so excited to be in 1st grade. He's really looking forward to the part of eating lunch at school. I'm going to miss him being gone all day. I'm so glad he enjoys school and looks forward to going back.

1 comment:

  1. that's so cute! We get to see Carlaya Graduate from Preschool on Thursday.
    I can't believe he'll be in 1st grade. you'll only have Brayden & Emily all day. maddie 1/2 day. Whatever will you do with your time?! LOL
    I loved when I got to start eating at school, that is funny he is excited too! :)
