Monday, December 14, 2009

Family Picts

We celebrated Thanksgiving this year in Hurrican, Utah. Four of the six siblings were present. One of my brothers chose to ditch us this year and drove his family 1200 miles to Omaha Nebraska. My other brother is serving a mission in PA. So for those of us that were present we decided to take a family picture. Look how many of us there are with 5 missing still! These are my parents. Gabby on the left is there foreign exchange student from Denmark. Hanna on the right is my youngest sister and the only one who still lives at home.

This is my sister Sheri, Jason and their son Jamie who is 13 days younger than my Brayden.

This is my brother Travis, Christina and there precious baby girl Elena. She is quite the cutie!
It was great seeing everyone over the holiday. We had good times sitting around talking, playing games and eating ice cream. Till next time.....

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