The camera's been working great until just a few weeks ago. I was getting a low battery signal so after charging the *re-chargebale batteries* the camera would work for a few days and then I'd have to do it all over again. It soon got to that I'd have to *re chare* the batteries on a daily basis. Then one day even though the batteries had been charged all day and night they still didn't work. So I threw them away. The alkaline normal batteries that came with the camera were sitting on top of my extra batteries so they went in first. My camera's been working great till last week . The camera started telling me the batteries were getting low and then a few days ago the camera would turn on long enough to tell me the batteries needed replaced and then would turn itself off. So I went to my case of new batteries and pulled out brand new Energizers as thats all we had, does the brand really matter? Apparently it does! My camera still wouldn't turn on. Being it is still under warranty I called Nikon and was told there is nothing wrong with my camera but the batteries I am using. The Nikon L100 will only work off of Alkaline AA Batteries. Did you know "they" could do that? I thought all AA batteries were the same just sold with a different brand. Apparently NOT! Not wanting to leave the house do the outpour of rain we were recieving and not wanting to take 4 children out in it. I opened every component that might have a battery in it. I found 2 AA Alkalines. Using those 2 and 2 energizers my camera works, didn't think it would but I'm glad I tried or I would have missed out on yesterday's picts of our snow that it already gone. Nikon has emailed me directions on how to download an update to my camera so that it will accept other AA batteries. I'm still amazed that technology can program my camera to only accept one type of AA batteries!
I had no idea they could do that... hum, makes me wonder how many things I've gotten rid of because I "thought" it didn't work. That is kind of dumb though. Why would they do that???
ReplyDeleteCrazy!!! Thanks for sharing! Now
ReplyDeleteI know what else to look for when and if we ever buy a NEW digital camera!