Friday, January 08, 2010

New Year's Day

New Years Day Brayden woke up a new baby. He was back to his happy self. By that afternnon Kory and I decided we all needed to get out of the house so we headed on down to the bowling alley. Lucky for us during the weekdays between 3:30-5 kids bowl for $1.69 and shoes are FREE. Brayden was very content to sit in the stroller and watch.
Emily didn't care about the points just that each turn she got to bowl 2 TIMES.

Hunter would use this nifty device every other bowl. He actually did better on his own.
Can you guess what happened? It's a horrible pict but it shows her excitement. Yeah Maddie!!!! You got a STRIKE!!! Good Job!!!

New Years Day morning we spent quite a bit of time outside. I love our weather!

I love our Swingset!

I love this guy who loves to make goofey faces when he sees mom's got the camera!

I love this little girl who is also trying to copy her big brother in the making funnyfaces. Only this time I'm not sure what kind of a face this is.

I love these kids! The weather has been so good lately. It's great having the kidddo's run off some energy outside. And they like to be outside so why not? Our New Years Day started off the new year perfectly. We enjoyed the weather and the time we had with each other.

1 comment:

  1. Did you get a new swing set? I don't remember you guys having this one when we came...?

    Anyway, looks fun! We've had excellent weather too. I love it!
