Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Growing up I always looked forward to the holiday's, even the more simplar ones. My mom always did something fun in acknowledging of the holiday. Usually it involved fun foods. I'm trying to carry on her tradition. Valentines morning the kids were greeted with HEART pancakes, strawberry syrup and fresh whipped cream. The pancakes lasted long enough to be oohed and aahhed over and then quickly devoued.
The kids woke up to red and white streamers, balloons, and a red tablecloth with individualized chocolate boxes.
Brayden was pleased with a sucker!

For dinner we had homemade heart shaped raviolli, garlic bread and a fun 3 layered jello cup for everyone. Dessert was followed by homemade cream puffs which were gone before I could take a picture. I don't know if I'll ever make the raviolli again. It was good but a lot of work and not having a dough maker the noodles ended up being a little thicker then I would have liked. Oh well!
Wow! You are amazing! I'm not going to let my kids see this post!