Hunter's teacher apparently had several tricks up her sleave throughout the day. Sounds like several of his classmates also came with tricks prepared to pull on the class. I heard about the tricks all afternoon. Hunter kept asking me why I hadn't tried tricking him. I told him a half truth that I had forgotten it was April Fools. He didn't know I was going to get him and his sister GOOD come dinner time. The kids usually set the table but this time I did it for them so that when I said dinner's on all they had to do was come sit down. I had a pan of vegetables on the table and a casserole that still had aluminum foil on it sitting in the middle. I warned everyone not to touch as it had just come out of the oven. We said prayer and then I carefully took off the foil to discover a pan of uncooked rice and chicken. Hunter grabbed the serving spoon and was about to dig in before he noticed. We all awed, and complained about how this could have happened. The kids finally decided our oven must be broken. I told them that it couldn't be broken I had made cupcakes earlier. I told them just for tonight we'd all eat a cupcake and vegetables. Maybe we'd have time after baseball practice for a more healthier, filling dinner. I WISH I could have captured the looks when I brought these cupcakes to the table. I heard, Ooooooh look at all the frosting. Can we do sprinkles please please please? I scooped one onto everyones plates. Hunter picked his up first and said , "Hey, what the heck?" (Our newest phrase we hear a lot.) Our bright blue cupcakes were actually shepards's pie. I put a scoop of hamburger in the bottom of the paper, sprinkled a little cheese, a scoop of vegies and topped it with blue mashed potato's. The paper wasn't sturdy enough to keep it's shape for long so when Hunter tried to pick his up the paper sagged/fell apart and showed what was hiding underneath the blue frosting.
After the shock of mom's silly cupcakes I told them all that I had made Kool-aid (something I never do). Since it was April Fools I'd also allow them to drink with a straw (something else that rarely happens). Both Hunter and Maddie picked there's up at the same time. Maddie was the first to say, "What the heck?" Hunter then replied, "Awwwww mom you did it again." Yes sireee I did it again. There cups weren't full of kool-aid but red jello!
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