Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hunter turns 7...

Look who's had a birthday... As with tradition he got 7 pancakes to eat.
He was very pleased with his gifts this year. Thankyou Aunt Christina, Grandma and April for your gifts to him this year.

Every other Saturday our Good Will has a 50% day. Several months ago I found roller blades in Hunter's size marked $4.99. It just happened to be a 50% day so I was able to pick these up for about $2.50.

He's loving them. He's only had them now for a day in a half but he's doing well. Hunter wants a transformer birthday party this year. His party with a few friends will be next weekend. He decided he'd take cupcakes to school and save his birthday cake for his party coming up.
Hunter, I hope you had a wonderful day. I love you little man. Happy 7th Birthday.

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