Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Homemade Christmas

As I mentioned above the past 2 weeks has been fairly crazy at our house. After all those class reports were done and my prep for Preschool this week was done I wanted to get ahead start on some homemade Christmas gifts. I knew I wouldn't be able to get much done this week or next (as far as my Christmas gifts are concerned). I'm pleased with all that I was able to accomplish in so little time. This week the big kiddo's have been getting out of school at 1:15 everyday for parent teacher conferences. I lost my afternoons to those and then also my mornings by it being my week of preschool. Next week there in no Preschool which means I can't work on anything or Miss Emily might spoil the suprise. Hunter and Madelyn only have school on Mon. and Tue. anyways and then there out for Thanksgiving. My 1st gift I wanted to work on was for Miss Emily. After months of some serious BEGGING, ASKING, WHINNING,PROMISING TO DO ANYTHING, CRYING for some baby doll diapers
I finally got around to them. She doesn't know that though as just yesterday at WalMart she asked me to buy her baby dolls a box of diapers like I was buying for Brayden.
It was a little tricky but hopefully these diapers will fit all her babies. Big and small.
I can hardly wait to see her surprise when she opens this gift.
My last sewing project that I wanted to accomplish last week was for my niece who is 6. Knowing how much she loves to draw, write doodle and color, I made her this. During the school supply sale I was able to pick up composition books for just $.25, boxes of markers and colored pencils for under $.50. My 1st thought was just to wrap everything up and give it to her but then after seeing something similar to this on a TON of blogs out there I decided to follow the crowd. Seriously I'd be surprised if you haven't seen these yet. I made a fabric book cover for the composition book and then a matching crayon roll (only made mine bigger to hold markers and colored pencils).

I absolutely LOVE the way everything turned out. My two girls also loved it. Since the completed project almost everyday Madelyn will mention how much she too LOVED it and would also like one for Christmas.
After hearing (non stop) how LOVED this gift was going to be I made two more for my girls. I recently got a new wallet and purse and was going to throw away my old well beaten up planner. Emily asked if she could have it for a little while. I didn't care, but seriously that thing as been connected to her hip ever since. It is not uncommon to see her sitting on the couch writing on the previously used (by me) papers. I hope I transfered all my contacts as I don't think I could read anything anymore. I'm glad my girls LOVED this. It certainly made an easy and inexpensive Christmas gift for them.
And one that I know they will enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. oh yay! I love that. I have see the crayon rolls, but I love it more with the markers & pencils. That is perfect for church! Super cute material....She'll LOVE IT! I'll have to keep her off your blog...she tends to "surf" blogs lately. ;)
