Friday, December 03, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

All because two people fell in love... this was our thanksgiving this year. Every member of Kory's family was present.
All 9 kids with spouses, and 35 grandkids.
The oldest grandchild is submiting his mission papers this month and the youngest is 6mo. old.
We had 54 family members +2 extras that have become like family!
Joy reserved the Town Hall and boy did we feel it with one big long,
never ending table and chairs.

While eating we were to write on the paper table cloth what we were thankfull for.

We had lots of food,
lots of visiting,
lots of laughter
and lots of running around and playing with cousins.
We had a family picture taken before dinner that I'm anxious to get a copy of. It may be several years before the family is ALL together again. My in-laws are putting their papers in the beginning of the year and hope to leave on a mission mid summer, with grandkids old enough to serve missions now who only knows when our next opportunity for a complete family picture will be. I'm glad Joy thought to take a family picture this year!

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