Today I had my 1st Dr.'s appointment for my pregnancy in Cedar City. Sitting in the waiting room reminded me of what I once knew. I was not liking the realization of having to get to know a new doctor, new office staff, new hospital, new city. I didn't like the question's I later had to ask, "Where is the lab for me to do the blood work? Where's Radiology to schedule my ultrasound?" In Prescott, the 7 years that we were there I saw the same doctor who basicly had the same staff. I delivered at the same hospital and used the same labs. I loved my PV doctor, I've missed her already, she delivered all of my babies thus far.
I was impressed with my new certified midwife, Laurie Hansen. She does not do home births she was quick to say and I learned the difference between a doctor/ certified midwife and a certified midwife/midwife. Not sitting in the waiting room for more than 2 minutes before being brought back started my appointment off with a good start. The nurse did the normal things took my urine sample, blood pressure, gave me a new pregnancy book and just talked about my previous pregnancies. She than left telling me Laurie would be right in. I was very impressed that I had barely pulled my book out of my purse before Laurie came in.
WOW! No waiting.
I think I will learn to love my new midwife like I loved my previous O.B. I was very impressed.
The best part of my appointment was hearing babies heart beat. It's great to know there is something living inside me causing me to get fat once again. Today I am 17 weeks and 1 day. My due date is June 14, 2012. I scheduled my ultra sound for the same day as my next O.B appointment. This means the beginning of next month as long as EVERYONE is cooperating we should know what our next little bundle of joy will be.
Hunter and Brayden (says Hunter) are wanting a brother. Madelyn and Emily no suprise are wanting a sister. I would absolutely LOVE another little girl to do the frillies with, bows, flowers, teeny tiny bracelets. It's been a long time. However, later this year when school starts it's new year Emily will be at school all day leaving Brayden home by himself. I'm thinking a little boy would make for a nice playmate for a few years anyways before Brayden is off to school too.
Kory is quick to point out our family is 3 to 3 (boys vs. girls). What will our little tie breaker be?
I don't know what I think it will be but I am hoping for a girl obviously...there is just something special about baby girls! Boys are boring! LOL j/k but brayden yes deserve a little brovver ;)