Sunday, April 01, 2012


This little dude is driving me CRAZY!

Back in October we started the potty-training thing, and he did quite well. We went several weeks with NO accidents AND he was waking up dry every morning. Kory and I were both quite pleased. 
In December this child of mine got sick. We started taking a weekly turn milking the family cow and we thought that maybe he was having an allergic reaction to the fresh milk, or he had the flu bug. If Brayden ate cereal he'd puke within the hour every single time. If he drank any milk that day he'd end up with diarrhea by the end of the night. After about 3 weeks of this we decided that it must be the fresh milk and not the stomach flu that was going around at the same time. We started buying him his very own store-bought milk while the rest of us enjoyed the fresh milk. Having diarrhea almost on a daily basis for 3 weeks it was during this time I started putting a diaper back on him at night. During the day he'd make it to the toilet for the most part but EVERY night he'd wake me up sometime during the night with a burning bum.

He hasn't woken up dry since then. At the beginning I decided that since I still had a huge bag of diapers, I really couldn't be bothered with this. I figured that eventually he'd start waking up dry again like in the past. Besides that, I've had my priorities elsewhere and haven't really tried working on this. Well, guess what? Our big bag of diapers is about gone and I am NOT buying anymore for my soon to be 3-year-old. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Practice! Practice! Practice! My kids had to practice 10 time doing it right every time they had an accident. At first they loved it but after a little bit they hated it and then they would stop.
    Bed wetting is a totally different thing though. They really have no control over this. Every one of my kids wet the bed except for Katie. Jenny was potty trained and dry at night for 2 years and then started wetting. She wet the bed until she was 8. I tried everything: rewards, treats, spanks, no drinks, alarms to wake them up, buzzer belts. Nothing worked. Don't make them feel bad about wetting at night because they really can't help it. I did noticed that my kids wet more during season changes though. So maybe this is just a short bed wetting phase.
